Ongoing Funded Projects:
Initiation grant, IIT Kanpur, 2023: “Effect of nozzle geometry on vortex breakdown forms”, 25 lakhs INR (Tolstoy Debbarma)
Start-up Research Grant (SERB), 2023: “Bubble and conical forms of vortex breakdown in turbulent swirling jets”, 30 lakhs INR
Ongoing research projects
Effect of nozzle geometry on vortex breakdown in swirling jets (Tolstoy Debbarma with Dr. Athanasios Giannenas, Johns Hopkins Univ. and Prof. Ashoke De)
Vortex breakdown in the transitional regime in wing-tip vortices (Sameer Mishra, with Prof. Debopam Das)
Turbulent vortex breakdown in swirling jets (Sudheendra Shambhu)
Vortex breakdown in the human heart (Aman Jain)
Resolvent analysis of spiral instabilities in swirling jets (Hrithik Shivanagouda Patil)
Parallelized streaming code for performing spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (Mitul Sidhapara)
Global linear stability analysis of transonic buffet (Vishw Dipak Patel, with Dr. Rajesh Ranjan)
Connection between transonic buffet and LFO (Vishw Patel, Antony Arulsekar, Aman Jain)
Experimental and computational investigations of low-frequency oscillations (Ajeet Bharti, with Dr. Tufan Guha)
Developing microfluidic tools for the detection of cell-derived extracellular vesicles (Aman Jain, with Dr. Sandhya Moise and Dr. Hannah Leese, University of Bath)
Laminar and turbulent separation-bubble instability in transonic flows: URANS simulations (D. Das, & B. Naveen Teja)
Numerical investigation of aeroelastic response to transonic buffet (Anurag Patel)
Effect of sweep, taper and twist on laminar transonic buffet and separation bubble instabilities on wings: URANS, DES and LES (Dr. Magan Singh)
Shape optimisation of a parametric airfoil for transonic buffet mitigation (Dr. Magan Singh, with Prof. Prabat Hajela)
Low-frequency oscillations in subsonic and transonic flows over reentry capsules (Ankita Nag)
Low-frequency instabilities in bluff-body flows (Digpriya)
LES of shock oscillations on backwards-facing steps (Shubanshu Sharma, with Dr. Soumya Ranjan Nanda)
Experimental investigation of transonic buffet and LSB instabilities on airfoils (Harshit and Dr. R. Sriram, IIT Madras)
Planned research projects
Vortex breakdown
Vortex breakdown on delta wings
Vortex breakdown in annular swirling jets
Experimental investigation of vortex breakdown in swirling jets (with Prof. Santanu De)
Shock-wave-vortex interactions
Design of a microfluidic device for cancer screening to detect circulating tumor cells (with Dr. Tufan Guha, Dr. Sandhya Moise & Prof. Bushra Ateeq)
An adjoint-based optimization approach for understanding bistable vortex breakdown states
A reduced-order model for transonic buffet and vortex breakdown
Climate Change and sustainability
Simulating contrails from aircraft engine exhaust and investigating their impact on climate
Low-frequency oscillations on wind turbine blades
An atmospheric parasol for mitigating extreme surface temperatures (with Dr. Tufan Guha)
Completed research projects at IIT K
Effect of forced transition on separation bubble modes in the transonic regime (Shraman Maiti, with Dr. Navaneeth Marath, IIT Ropar)
The connection between Type I and Type II transonic buffet at high Reynolds numbers (Parth Jagdish Patil)
A parametric open-source airfoil to study transonic buffet (with Dr. Markus Zauner, Dr. David Lusher, Dr. Andrea Sansica from JAXA, Japan and Prof. Neil Sandham from Univ. of Southampton, UK)
Three-dimensional wake structure of an oscillating cylinder flow (Ayush Boral, with Dr. Arnab Samanta)
Connecting transonic buffet with incompressible low-frequency oscillation for fully turbulent conditions (Jewel Rupini)
Effect of nozzle geometries on vortex breakdown in swirling jets (Ritvik Gajendra Pareek)
Vortex breakdown in vortex mixers (Rahul Meena)